
Avancerad sökning

HeMan and the mathters of the university

Gruppens mailadress: greyskull[kanelbulle]

Hee-man Wee-man
Swimming in the ocean
Causing a commotion
'Cause he is so awesome

Hee-man Wee-man
Swimming in the ocean
Pretty big and pretty white
Can beat a polar bear in a fight

Like an underwater unicorn
He's got a kick-ass facial horn
He is the Jedi of the D
He stop Cthulhu eating ye

He is Wee-man
Just don't let him touch your balls
He is Wee-man
Inventor of the Shish Kebab

Medlemmar (6 st.)

Alexander "jag kan inte programmera" Hansson
Alexander "jag kan inte programmera" Hansson
Axel Tornborg Isberg
Axel Tornborg Isberg
Lasse "he-man, tysken" Heemann
Lasse "he-man, tysken" Heemann
Ludde "Pengar Finns" Eriksson
Ludde "Pengar Finns" Eriksson
Martin "Nick, The Unicorn, Pun man jr. " Bergman
Martin "Nick, The Unicorn, Pun man jr. " Bergman
Nick "Martin" Sancovic Persson
Nick "Martin" Sancovic Persson


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