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Utvärderingskommentarer för EDAN35 Högpresterande datorgrafik

Utvärderingkommentarer för C

Skrivet av:

Utvärderingkommentarer för D

The course got overall good scores, especially the scores for being a relevant course for the students. Michael got praised for being passionate about the subject and for motivating the students. The current work load of the course seems to be fine. The hardware part of the course got mixed responses since some students find it interesting while others didn't. The course responsible want to teach the students more OpenGL since many students didn't really got very deep into that part. There will also be more continuity between EDA221 and EDAN35 since they will have the same course responsible.

Skrivet av:
Peter "Pun man" Seimar
Sebastian Hindefelt



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Utskriftsvariant Ändrad 2011-02-22 kl 13.58 ©Datatekniksektionen TLTH dwww[kanelbulle] Lägg till i snabblänkar